Keeping those spare keys under the welcome mat? We have got better places to hide. Read on!

house lockout Services

Being in a house lockout situation is something everyone wants to avoid and hence we find out unique ways to prevent such a situation at the first place. The most common way is to keep a set of spare keys hidden near the house for such a situation. This is very convenient, we agree. You come out of the house to check the mailbox and the door closes behind you, well what’s to worry when you have a set of spare keys just below the doormat right? But think about it, if it is that convenient, won’t it be the same with burglars? This is such a common place that the first thing a burglar does before he breaks-in is to check for spare set of keys below the doormat.

Not only the doormat, there are other very common places which a criminal or a burglar will check. Continue reading to find out the most secure places for hiding a spare key and the most obvious places where you should not hide.

Best places to keep the spare

  1. A trusted friend or neighbor

A friend in need is a friend indeed is the right phrase in such situations. If you trust your neighbor or friend enough to hand him the spare keys, it would be the most secure place of all. It is safe with someone else and you don’t have to worry about some burglar finding his way with the key. Make sure that the key does not have any information printed on it which can link it to your house. However, this place does not score high on convenience factor since you would have to go to their place or they would have to come to you in case there is such an emergency.

  1. Under your dog kennel

If you have a house dog, you have already scored a point in terms of security since burglars and other criminals hates the sight of dogs at their crime place. Make your security double by hiding that spare key under the dog house. Due to the protective instinct of dogs, any burglar who dares to go near the dog will get caught. Hence any sane burglar will not go near the dog house making it ideal as well as convenient to hide the spare key.

  1. Under your car

Most burglars choose do do their crime during the day, when the homeowners are out for work. Although you cannot prevent any break-in at that time, but you can make it less convenient for them by not letting them get access of the spare key. Hide your spare key inside a magnetized box and place the box under your car, so when you are away from the house, so is your key.

  1. Fake Sprinkler

If you already have sprinklers in your yard, add one more fake one which looks exactly like the real one so it looks like a part of your sprinkler system. This is much better than a fake rock.

Worse places to hide

  1. Under your doormat : As said before, this is the first place anyone looks, the place has been advertised in so many movies by now. So do not make a mistake of hiding your keys there.
  2. Fake rock : These fake rocks definitely look fake and one can easily make out. Do not make it fun for them by adding a spot the difference game.
  3. Under the flower pot by the door : This might again be very convenient to you, but so can it be for the burglars.

What to do if you don’t have the spare

In this case, calling Q locksmith services is the next best thing to do. We are the best residential locksmith services company in Washington DC, Maryland and Baltimore. Our experts are trained from the industry best and are committed to provide you the best service as fast as possible. Call us at 888-571-4443 to get House Lockout services in Washington DC.

6 situations which would call for emergency locksmith services

Best Emergency locksmith services in Maryland

You are a very cautious and meticulous when it comes to house keys or car keys, however, as human, we are bound to make mistakes, and when that happens, it is very important to keep an emergency locksmith services contact handy. In situations like house lockout or car lockout,  trying to jimmy open the lock or taking help from kind strangers can make the matter worse. The best way to tackle the situation would be to call an expert locksmith.

Here are six situations where you will need to call an emergency locksmith service.

  1. Lost house keys

No matter how careful you are, there might come a situation like you are robbed on street and your purse had the house keys, our you opened the door to check on the neighborhood and the door closed behind you. What do you do in these kind of situations? You are house locked and you might be tempted to break-in through the windows, however, unless you are an expert in that, it might prove to be dangerous. Call a locksmith immediately!

  1. The infamous car lockout

A car lockout is very common since there are several ways it can happen. In the past, the car locks were not that complicated and you would have make done by relying on the driver of a tow truck to pop open the door. However, today’s car locks are much more complex with keyless locks and other sophisticated mechanisms. You will need an emergency locksmith in such a case.

  1. A house break-in disaster

Your house have been robbed when you were out for a vacation. The first call you make is 911. Whom do you call next? You guessed it right! You need to change your house locks immediately and for that you need to call an emergency locksmith. The burglars have definitely figured out a weak point in your house security and there is no stopping them for a revisit. It is in your best interests to change the locks immediately, even upgrade the lock mechanisms.

  1. A family member lost his keys

You have a family and each member has his or her own set of keys for convenience. However, your 12 year old kid lost the key on way back from school. Very possible. In this case also, you need to change your locks immediately, since someone with wrong intentions can get hold of that lost key and can easily get into your house. It would be taking a huge risk not to do anything and just forget about it.

  1. The key broke off into the lock

If your keyway is blocked or your key is worn out, it is very possible that your key gets stuck into the keyway upon withdrawal and with a little force, it breaks into the lock. In such situation you are left with hardly any options other than to call an emergency locksmith for extracting the broken key and replacing the lock or rekeying. To avoid such situations you should keep an eye on your key before they become brittle and clean the lock on regular basis.

  1. Lost car keys with fob

You might lose your car keys which also had the transponder attached to it. Simply opening the door somehow is not enough in this case. You need to call a professional locksmith to replace the key and the fob and get the new fob programmed. This is very important for your car’s security.

Best Emergency locksmith services in Maryland

Q locksmith services is a very reliable locksmith services company in Maryland which responds to your calls real quick. We are available 24/7 for any kind of emergency locksmiths needs including car lockout services, house lockout services, truck opening service, transponder key programming service among others. Call us at 888-571-4443 and get yourself out of these situations in a fast and effective way.